We are a movement of sex workers advocating for the decriminalization of sex work
Our movement is formed by sex workers and human rights defenders. We are a non-profit organization which started after sex workers grew tired of being abused, isolated and suffering human rights violations.
Sisonke was launched in the Western Cape, 2003 and has since established offices in six provinces: Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng where the head office is housed, Limpopo and North West. Sisonke has sex worker members all over South Africa and endeavors to set up offices in all nine provinces. From only two staff members at its inception, Sisonke now has a staff complement of 33 employees and more than 1500 members nationally.
Organizational structure
The board comprises elected Sisonke members and allies who support planning and fundraising.
Through skilled management who through the national coordinator reports to the board, the smooth running of Sisonke from the head office is ensured.
The coordinators perform the day-to-day leadership and coordination of Sisonke provincially.
The coordinators are supported by a strong team of peer educators, paralegals, and media liaisons. The staff helps organize Sisonke, campaigns, and consultants and takes national sex worker issues forward by mobilizing sex workers.
The active participation of all our members across branches in six provinces means that members organize themselves, participate in meetings, advocate our cause, and keep in touch with the Sisonke offices.
Sisonke means Togetherness
Sex work is the exchange of sexual services for financial gain between consenting adults. It is often pursued by young women, men, or LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Meet our people
Our board and team work with members in South Africa to further our advocacy efforts.
Sisonke team
Sisonke Board
Our partners and network
We work with partners who can support us and offer services to our sex worker members.